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ALL ABOUT MY LIFE COACHING AND COLUMN As well as B.Arts Comm (Honours) and a Diploma in Pyschology, Diploma in Childcare, I also have a Diploma in Life Coaching and for a 7 years have acted as a life coach to a range of people including celebrities. Life Coaching is a fantastic way to focus your life, achieve your goals and have an independent person provide you with face to face support, email advice or phone support to acheive your goals. Life coaching is also an excellent way to sort out personal problems and in my view get on with the business of living and achiveing what you want to. Having worked with a range of people I offer a range of life coaching packages to suit people of all ages and types. Life coaching doesn"t have to be expensive. I"m appearing on a BBC documentary life coaching so you"ll be working with someone who has both experience and credibility. If you would like to do some life coaching give me a call or email me via my contacts page COLUMN I also write regular columns for a range of newspapers and online sites. Here is a sample: GET LIVING OR GET DYING - LIFE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY If you're sitting at your desk dreading the thought of returning to work after lunch then it's time to sit up and take charge. Most people spend most of their lives just going through the motions - paying their bills, working at a job they really don't like and wishing they coud live out their dreams. The reality is you can. For me it struck me when I was 18. I could either grab life by the horns and make my life happen or just go with the flow. I looked around me and decided to make my future happen. It's a hard thing to do and some say even harder to acheive. However you've got to remember you can either get living or get dying. Do you want to be 40, 50 or 60 and think 'what if'? Do you want feel miserable and hopeless and blame yourself for missed opportunities? Do you want to feel you never did what you dreamed of? Life is about living. Life is about taking control. Life is about having the guts to get up from your desk and tell your boss your quitting and go out and acheive that dream you have kept secret from everyone else. Making it happen means making lists and being prepared and I speak from experience - stop with the excuses. Stop saying you haven't got enough cash or guts or that someone else needs you. Just do it. Don't let others bring you down or try asnd talk you out of it. This is your decision and your life. Look at the people you admire and understand they have only acheived their sucess from hard work and taking risks. You may fail and you may fail again but then you may acheive sucess and when you do you'll feel the thrill of a lifetime. My motto is get living or get dying for a reason because to live life you have to take risks and be prepared to fail and pick yourself up again. Life is for a limited time only and you have to remember that. I spent time coaching a young woman aged 23. She had a boring job and hated her life. She wanted to be a clothes designer but said it would cost to much until she realised she could design some clothes and start doing the rounds of stores and set up a stall. Today she turns over a million pounds and in her store she's got a sign -" I got living instead of dying what are you going to choose?" You can do anything if you have the guts to start living and not go threw the motions until its time to retire. Go on take the challenge - I did and there are hundreds, thousands of people out their doing the same thing. Life is what you make it - so make it great and never ever say never.